
Top 10 Foods That Increase Your Sperm Count

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Do you have a well-balanced diet each day? Well, no we often neglect the health factor in workload due to which there are many problems that surround each day. In this fast age, it is very necessary that we have a proper food schedule so that we can be fit and healthy in our life for forthcoming challenges and assignments in the work. Child planning is what every couple thinks about after a few years of marriage.

To conceive is actually a long process and it depends much on your eating habits. Sperm count plays a crucial role in the process of childbirth. If you do not proper diet then you may suffer from various sexual problems which ultimately results in insufficient sperm count. We have listed Top 10 Foods That Increase Your Sperm Count.

10. Eggs

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Eggs are one of the healthiest foods that you should include in your meals every day. Eggs contain a high amount of proteins and vitamin E which help in the increase of sperm count. Eggs are good for fertility and they protect the sperm cells.

If you are planning for a healthy baby then you should eat egg recipes daily in order to have good sperm count. Eggs protect the sperm from harmful radicals which are dangerous for their growth. If you want to plan a child soon, eat eggs.

9. Garlic

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Garlic is a good option to increase sperm count. It has a high amount of vitamin B6 and selenium which help in the increase of sperm count. It has allicin which purifies the blood and results in the growth of sperms and helps infertility.

Garlic protects the damage of the sperms by harmful radicals thereby resulting in faster sperm count. It regulates the blood supply in the body which is necessary for good sperm count. It also helps to keeps bowels clean.

8. Carrots

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]Carrots increase your sperm count. It is a rich source of vitamin A which is good for eyes as well as sperm production. They increase sperm growth which helps in conceiving. The carrots are best if they are eaten raw or by cooking also.

Include carrots daily in your meals in order to have a healthy child. Carrots protect the sperms from harmful radicals which hinder their growth and help in an increase of sperm at a faster rate.

7. Bananas

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Bananas are good for increasing your sperm count. They help in the growth of sperms and they produce healthy sperms. Bananas contain Bromelain which is necessary for increasing sperm count. These fruits are rich sources of Vitamin A, B1, and C which helps in sperm growth.

If you eat bananas daily then you will good stamina and energy which are necessary for sexual relationships. This fruit helps greatly in producing more sperms.

6. Spinach

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Spinach is rich in proteins and iron which keeps the blood pure and they regulate blood supply which ultimately increases the sperm in males. It contains a high amount of folic acid which results in good sperm.

The folic acid is necessary to perfectly shape sperms which can fertilize eggs. Eat more spinach to increase the level of sperm. This green vegetable produces healthier sperm and prevents its damage in any way.

5. Fruit Salad

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Fruit salad has numerous health benefits. It is rich in proteins, minerals, and many other nutrients and vitamins. The different fruits in fruit salad such as apples, strawberries, and cherries contain antioxidants that help in increasing more sperm.

The fruits have folic acid which is important to have healthier sperm and prevent them from harmful radicals. The fruits are rich sources of vitamin C which are important for semen and they also help in fertilization. Eat fruit salad daily as they help in faster growth of sperms.

4. Dark Chocolate

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Dark chocolate is one of the healthiest foods for body. It contains L-arginine HCL which helps in more semen thereby increasing the sperm count. Dark chocolate helps to have good orgasms and you can plan for a child soon.

It should be consumed in proper quantities otherwise you may gain more weight which may affect the sperm level. Dark chocolate is often associated with romance and love and it is suggested to increase the sperm count.

3. Asparagus

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The next on the list is asparagus which is one of the most suggested foods to increase the sperm count. It is a rich source of vitamin C which helps in faster growth of sperms in males. Asparagus fights against harmful radicals which damage the sperms.

It increases the volume of sperm and helps in having healthier sperms in males. Eating asparagus will help in good sperm. Include daily asparagus in your meals to have faster growth of sperms if you are planning for a child soon.

2. Broccoli

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Broccoli is one of the healthiest foods suggested to be included in meals on a regular basis. This vegetable has innumerable health benefits. It is good for the skin and helps in slowing the aging factor. It contains folic acid which is very important for good sperms in males.

It is also rich in vitamin B9 which helps women to conceive soon and also infertility. It is studied in many cases that men who consume regularly the broccoli get more sperm.

1. Pomegranates

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Pomegranate is a fruit by which you can increase the level of sperms in your body. It contains a good amount of antioxidants that are necessary for purifying the blood and regulating its supply. You can eat raw pomegranates or by taking out its juice.

Include pomegranates in your breakfast to prevent the damage of sperms in the body and to have healthier sperm. This fruit help in more volume of semen.

These foods are healthy for the body and also for producing more semen and healthier sperm. If you are planning for the child then start taking these foods in your meals every day and you will get a good sperm count in a few days.

Top 10 Foods That Increase Your Sperm Count

1. Pomegranates
2. Broccoli
3. Asparagus
4. Dark Chocolate
5. Fruit Salad
6. Spinach
7. Bananas
8. Carrots
9. Garlic
10. Eggs

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