Age is not the limit is rightly said. But age can be seen on the face of the person after 30 years. Due to the fast and hectic life, we often do not get time to look after our health and beauty. As we grow older, the wrinkles appear on the face which spoils your beauty. It is very important to control the aging process at the right time otherwise it may damage your skin soon. The food is the main thing on which all the processes in our lives depend. It is only the food from which we get energy.
The beauty factor is very much related to the food you eat. The oily and spicy foods make you look older at an early age. It is very necessary that we have a balanced diet to look young and fit. You should include some of the foods in your diet to remain young forever. We have listed Top 10 Anti Aging Super Foods.
10. Broccoli

At number 10, it is Broccoli which is a green vegetable that has many health benefits. It is a rich source of Vitamin K and C. It contains many other beneficial minerals like calcium, manganese, iron and many more.
The broccoli makes your bones stronger and builds the muscles. It is also rich in fiber. Broccoli is also good skin and keeps it young forever. It is highly recommended to include the broccoli daily in your meals to be fit and slim.
9. Olive Oil

Olive oil is one of the most useful ingredients that you should include every day in your life. The olive oil has many benefits to your health as well as beauty also. It contains a high percentage of oleic acid. It has a low amount of fats which helps in weight loss.
The daily use of olive oil in the food will help to control the heart attacks. Vitamin A and E make your skin look young and they prevent the lines and wrinkles on your face.
8. Almonds

Almonds are not only for good memory but also for looking young and energetic. They are a rich source of vitamins B and E. They also have a good amount of fiber essential for the overall development of the human body.
The almonds help in curing cancer and they are good in calories. The almond oil is one of the most effective beauty remedies for dark circles. They also control the level of cholesterol in your body and keep you young forever.
7. Dark Chocolate

Wow!! Chocolate is the thing that every person on the planet loves. It is the food that is best for your beauty. The dark chocolate will control the aging process by preventing the growth of free radicals in your body.
If you are a regular eater of dark chocolate then cancer cannot touch you in any way as it cures cancer. The chocolate will help in controlling blood pressure and fighting against heart diseases. The dark chocolate is good for your beauty also and helps in controlling wrinkles and lines on your face.
6. Apples

On number 6, it is apple. Apples are good for your overall health. It helps in controlling cholesterol levels in your body by keeping your heart young forever. It contains fiber with many other useful nutrients and vitamins.
Apples cure cancer and help in bodybuilding. You can eat apple raw or by adding it to desserts like cakes and pastries. If you do not want wrinkles on your face, include apple each day in your breakfast.
5. Garlic

Garlic is best for your body. It helps in having a good immune system. The garlic throws waste materials from your body and keeps the bowels clean. It slows the aging process controlling the lines and wrinkles on your face.
If you have cholesterol or high blood pressure then you should eat garlic daily in order to maintain the blood pressure level and fight against heart attacks. It also cures cancer and is very good for your skin also.
4. Tomatoes

If you want to have pinkish and young skins then eat tomatoes daily. They control the aging process and purify the blood. They contain high water content and are a rich source of vitamin C. The tomatoes are good for heart and help in controlling heart attacks and they also cure dangerous diseases like cancer.
They prevent the wrinkles and lines on the face and help the skin from dryness. Eat raw tomatoes or their juice is also beneficial for the body. You can also apply the tomato juice on your face for glowing and pimple-free skin.
3. Spinach

Spinach is a green leafy vegetable that has innumerable health benefits. It contains a high amount of iron which purifies the blood. It is rich in vitamins C and E. Spinach helps in slowing the aging process and keeps your eyesight powerful.
It keeps your skin young and glowing forever. It controls heart attacks and high blood pressure levels. If you have a high level of cholesterol in your body then include spinach regularly in your meals. You can drink the soup of spinach.
2. Green Tea

At number 2, it is green tea which is one of the most effective remedies for having a slim body as well as young skin. Daily intake of green tea prevents wrinkles and lines on the face thereby slowing down the ageing process. Green tea makes your skin look young and beautiful. It controls the high level of cholesterol. Green Tea cures heart diseases and cancer.
1. Walnuts

Walnuts are on 1 number of the list. They help in having the shiny and glowing skin by preventing the wrinkles and lines on the face. They contain a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids which are important for good skin.
You should develop a habit of eating walnuts daily in the morning breakfast as they keep you strong and active for the whole day. Walnuts lower the cholesterol level in your body and help to fight against heart diseases.
So, from today, eat these food items daily in your meals so that you can look like sweet 16 forever.
Top 10 Anti Aging Super Foods
1. Walnuts
2. Green Tea
3. Spinach
4. Tomatoes
5. Garlic
6. Apples
7. Dark Chocolate
8. Almonds
9. Olive Oil
10. Broccoli