
Top 10 Smartest Talking Birds In The World

God has made nature with different kinds of living creatures with distinctive features. The various living creatures have different structures with different physical parts of the body. The animals and birds also have feelings just like human beings. They talk and make different styles of voices to communicate with other birds. Birds are the smartest living creatures in the world. They have been used for many decades for sending messages to other places.

The birds are kept at homes for a good and pleasant atmosphere. They have the special language to communicate and they make various kinds of sounds for showing various actions and movements. They can even communicate with humans and understand their feelings. Let’s have a look at Top 10 Smartest Talking Birds In The World.

10. Blue-Fronted Amazon

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Blue-Fronted Amazon is a beautiful parrot species from South America. It is commonly kept by people as a pet. It is light green in color with yellow-colored spots around the eyes. They have blue colored feathers on the forehead.

The talking ability of these parrots is of various kinds. They can even sing and they are very playful. Blue-Fronted Amazon parrots can interact very well with the owner and they are smart in sharing the talks.

9. Cockatoo

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At number 9, it is Cockatoo which is a parrot from Australia. They have curved peaks. These parrots are large in size. Their crests have various colors such as white, black and grey. They stay in tree hollows. Cockatoos can make loud sounds.

They can make various kinds of sounds according to the different moods. They give warning calls to other family members so that they can be careful form the predators coming near. These birds can make 15 types of sounds and they make a hissing sound when they are afraid by someone.

8. Hill Mynah

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Hill Mynah is found mostly in different parts of South Asia and Southeast Asia. This bird has a black colored body with orange and yellowish colored patches on the head side. It makes descended vocals and many other types of calls.

Hill mynahs are well-known for their loud and clear voices and they voice such as whistles, gurgles, screeches and many more. These birds make 13 types of calls to communicate with the family members. They can make similar sounds to humans.

7. Yellow-crowned Amazon

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Yellow-crowned Amazon is the kind of parrot that is found in South America. It is green in color with a short tail. They are smart in talking and you enjoy a lot talking with these parrots for long hours if you have them as pets at your homes.

Yellow-crowned Amazon parrot can communicate with humans sharing with them feelings. They make a loud and clear sound. They can make different kinds of calls as a means to communicate with their family members.

6. Monk Parakeet

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Monk Parakeet is a light green colored parrot that is found in some parts of South America. This bird stays in subtropical regions of Argentina. Monk Parakeet dwells mainly in maize fields and it builds a stick nest. They are very friendly birds ideal to be kept as pets in one’s home.

They have a smart way of developing their vocals. Monk Parakeet can speak different words and phrases. It can go on talking with you for many hours due to its smart-talking talent.

5. Indian Ring Parakeet

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Indian Ring Parakeet is one of the most popular species of parrots that people prefer to keep as pets at homes. They are very smart, loving and friendly if proper care is taken. Indian Ring Parakeet is found in all parts of India.

They love to talk for long hours with their owners and can also speak words. These parrots make loud and clear sounds. They can whistle also just like human beings and they love to learn new words and sentences. They can also sing songs.

4. Eclectus Parrot

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At number 4, it is a species of parrot from New Guinea, Eclectus Parrot. It is also found in Australia and Maluku Islands. They have different colored feathers such as red and green. They are well-known for their loud and clear voices. They can also learn new words, sentences, and phrases.

Eclectus parrot can copy the sounds which are in its environment and can make the same voice. They can sing songs in a lovely way which will make you listen to them for hours and hours. They are excellent learners and grasp at once what has been taught.

3. Yellow Naped Amazon

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Yellow Naped Amazon parrot is a good looking green colored parrot form Honduras. These parrots are often kept as pets by many people because of their friendly nature. Yellow-naped Amazon parrots can copy the sounds from the background and they make various kinds of sounds to express the emotions and feelings.

The different kinds of parrots can make various kinds of sounds to communicate with their family members. These parrots are widely preferred in aviculture. Yellow-naped Amazon parrots are popular for their amazing voices and calls.

2. Budgerigar

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Budgerigar is the parrot with black patterns on the body and a long tail. They have yellow color around the beak and neck area. These parrots feed on seeds particularly. Budgerigar parrots are small in size and they can copy the voices of human beings from the surroundings.

Puck which is a budgerigar parrot can learn 1,728 words and it holds the Guinness World Records. They have superb voice talent which can impress anyone.

1. African Grey Parrot

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African grey holds the number one position on the list. They are found mainly in various parts of Central Africa. These parrots can imitate human and many other voices which are made in the environment. They are loving and caring towards their owners.

African grey parrot is the smartest parrot that can communicate with humans very well and they also make different sounds to protect themselves from predators.

These birds are good as pets and loyal too. They will talk with you for long hours making you feel happy and cheerful.

Top 10 Smartest Talking Birds In The World

  1. African Grey Parrot
  2. Budgerigar
  3. Yellow Naped Amazon
  4. Eclectus Parrot
  5. Indian Ring Parakeet
  6. Monk Parakeet
  7. Yellow-crowned Amazon
  8. Hill Mynah
  9. Cockatoo
  10. Blue-Fronted Amazon

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