Although cigarette smoking is considered as injurious to health and almost all the packets of cigarettes come with a warning of the same, there is a majority of people around the world who are highly addicted to the habit of smoking these cigarettes.
These smokers at the same time are also well-acquainted with the quality and the cost comparison of the cigarette that they smoke and therefore they always prefer choosing a good brand over the one that is cheap. The cost of the brand of the cigarette typically depends upon two important things; one of them is related to the production of the cost and the other is concerned with the commercialization and advertisement of the same all over the globe.
There are numerous tobacco companies which offer a number of brands in terms of taste, quality as well as price. Here are the top ten most expensive cigarette brands of the year.
10. Marlboro

This brand is referred to as the largest selling cigarette brand in the world. It has been produced in the United States of America by Philip Morris USA as well as Philip Morris International all throughout the world. Marlboro is also considered to be one of the most and expensive brands of cigarettes that comprise three different divisions of the products namely flavor line, fresh line as well as gold line.
Different kinds of products produced by the brand fall under these divisions. This brand moreover is also known for its sponsorship in motor racing as well as billboard advertisement. In this particular field, the name of this brand is considered to be a very impressive source of promotion and commercialization. Marlboro is the tenth most expensive brand of cigarettes this year.
9. Camel

The famous American company namely R.J. Reynolds Tobacco manufactured the brand Camel which is today considered as the ninth most expensive brand of cigarettes in the world. The current cigarettes produced under this brand are a blend of Virginia as well as Turkish tobacco which further makes these cigarettes more impressive and distinctive as to its taste. The first cigarette under this brand was developed in the year 1913.
Today, Camel is considered as a very renowned name in producing cigarettes all throughout the world. Apart from this, a variety of the cigarettes of Camel include different forms such as Camel Filters Wides, Camel Filters, Camel Menthol Silver, Camel Menthol, Kamel Red Smooth Taste, Kamel Red and many others.
8. Parliament

This brand was introduced in the year 1931 and it is still considered as a very distinctive brand in terms of producing different kinds of cigarettes. At the same time, Parliament happens to be the eighth-most expensive brand of cigarettes in the world.
It is very much known for its paper filters that also have a very powerful market in various counties of the world such as Japan, Turkey, Armenia, Russia, South Korea, the United States, Ukraine, and many others. This brand utilizes filter as a pretty competitive edge for all its promotions as well as advertisements. The recessed paper filter produced by this brand is known to enhance the flavor as well as the taste of smoking.
7. Davidoff

This brand hails from Switzerland and is considered to be one of the most popular as well as expensive cigarette brands of the world. It is concerned with the creation of an extensive range of tobacco products that not only include cigarettes but the products such as cigars, pipe tobaccos, cigarillos, and many others. Currently owned by Imperial Tobacco, this brand today stands as the seventh most expensive brand of cigarettes in the world.
The range of cigarettes produced under Davidoff includes a number of different flavors such as Menthol, Ultra Lights, Mild, Magnum, Classic, Menthol Lights, Slims, One and Gold and many others. All these varieties are considered exclusive and are priced highly for their quality and are very rich and classy.
6. Dunhill

Dunhill cigarettes are considered the sixth most expensive cigarettes in the world. This brand is all about class and luxury. It is also referred to as an expensive form produced by the famous BAT that is mostly sold in the regions of Asia-Pacific, Europe as well as Canada. Apart from cigarettes, Dunhill also produces various other related products. The varieties under which the cigarettes of Dunhill are produced are numerous.
5. Lucky Strike

This brand is owned by the British American Tobacco groups and is considered as the fifth most expensive cigarette brand in the world. It produces some of the most expensive cigarettes in different forms and flavors. These cigarettes are rich and sophisticated.
Apart from the production of cigarettes, this brand is also concerned with the promotional activities on platforms such as television films as well as fine arts. In fact, this brand has also become a part of the culture of the United States.
4. Pall Mall

Another brand from the R.J. Reynolds Tobacco, Pall Mall is considered as the fourth most expensive brand of cigarettes in the world. This brand was introduced to the world in the year 1899 and ever since then it is concerned with the production of the cigarettes which are rich in terms of their taste.
The brand produces some of the most exclusive products and this is why all its creations are considered as very high-end and expensive. This brand is considered as premium and so are its products.
3. Benson & Hedges

Benson & Hedges is an English brand of cigarette which also happens to be the third most expensive cigarette brand of the world today. This brand is owned by a number of corporations in the world varying from one region to the other. Founded in Canada in the year 1873, this brand has been named after Richard Benson and William Hedges, its founders. From the taste of the cigarettes of these brands to their packaging and style, everything about this brand is exclusive and expensive. The long-term smokers call this brand as their favorite.
2. Gold Flake

Produced and owned by the famous ITC Limited, this brand is considered as the second most expensive brand of cigarettes throughout the world today. The prices of the cigarettes of Gold Flake are very high. Also, the makers have availed the cigarettes of Gold Flake in different forms such as Gold Flake Kings Lights, Gold Flake Kings, Gold Flake Kings Gold Flake Lights, and many others. This brand has been typically positioned as a premium brand of cigarettes in India and is considered as the brand for the elite.
1. Insignia

Insignia is undisputedly considered as the most expensive cigarette brand in the world. Manufactured under the name of ITC Ltd, this brand is so expensive because of its high-end variants. The different variants of ITC Ltd. apart from Insignia are India Kings Light, Wills Lights, Gold Flakes Cool Mist, etc. However, Insignia is the most expensive of all.
The taste of the cigarette produced under this brand is rich and this brand is certainly for the elites. Insignia is premium and exclusive.