
Top 10 Most Dangerous Game Animals To Hunt

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Dangerous Game Animals to Hunt

Games are played for fun and the sportsmen are the honor of a nation. They practice day and night very hard to win in the game for their country. Games are a mixture of adventure and passion. There are some of the most dangerous games in the world which may take the life of the players but then too the players are so skilled that they play as well as a win too in such games.

Hunting animals for games is one of the most difficult tasks for any human being. The temperament of the animals cannot be judged so easily and the player has to be very cautious when he heads towards hunting animals for games. There are a few most dangerous animals which cannot be easily hunted and for which smart techniques do work. We have listed the top 10 Most Dangerous Game Animals to Hunt.

10. Scorpion

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Scorpion is undoubtedly one of the most poisonous creatures on the earth. It contains venom which can be fatal to human beings and even the person can die in a few hours. The scorpions are found in large numbers in Arizona which are very venomous. The scorpions have always fascinated the hunters and campers due to their risk factors.

These creatures can bite on the hands of the hunters spreading the poison all over the body. The utmost care should be taken in hunting scorpions as they can be found near your tent too.

9. African Elephant

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African elephants have extremely large bodies weighing about 6040 kg. The female elephants to have a weight of around 3200 kg. They have teeth both at the front and back of the mouth. The teeth of these elephants are very sharp. They are very intelligent animals and behave in numerous ways just like humans.

They can come to know at once if some person has come in the forest to hunt them and they show their aggressive behavior and can attack the person badly. If they feel in danger, they will attack the person on the ground.

8. Hippopotamus

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At number 8, it is a large-sized hippopotamus that is found in some parts of Africa. They weigh around 2000 kg and they have short legs. These animals have extremely sharp teeth. Their bite is the most dangerous part which can kill many humans.

They have an aggressive nature and so they attack easily on any animal or humans. The hippos are well-known for their force of biting a person who can throw a person to some km away.

7. Rattlesnake

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Snake is one of the most dreadful reptiles on the planet. They are generally found in many parts of North America and South America. They have strong venom which can be fatal to humans. The rattlesnake bite can even cause the death of the person if not treated within a few hours of the bite.

Many campers and hunters have been bitten by these snakes while they were on their way to hunt them. The rattlesnakes dwell in rocky areas and deserts. They avoid staying in open spaces and so can be dangerous for the hunters.

6. Yellow Jacket

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Yellow Jacket is a wasp that has a lining pattern on their bodies with yellow and black color. They have venom which can be fatal to humans if this bee stings on them. These bees are found in large trees, shrubs and other burrows due to which it is very dangerous for hunters and campers.

The hunters may be attacked by a huge mass of bees while passing around the tall trees or shrubs. The bite of the yellow jacket can even result in the death of the person if not treated within a proper time.

5. Nile Crocodiles

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Crocodiles are one of the most dreadful reptiles for humans. Nile crocodile is the second largest reptile in the whole world. They dwell in aquatic areas such as rivers, lakes, and ponds. They have an aggressive temperament that can kill any animal in a fraction of seconds.

They are very intelligent hunters and wait for some time to attack their prey.  Nile crocodiles have sharp teeth which will make any animal very difficult to escape if once caught. It is very dangerous for hunters and campers who often visit forests for hunting.

4. Fire Ants

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Though the fire ants are of extremely small size but then too they bite dangerously. These ants are found in large numbers in woods and forest areas on the branches of tall trees and trunks. The fire ants attack in a group on humans which can cause severe pain where they bite.

If these ants feel they are disturbed by the humans, they become angry and attack in a large number. The bite of these ants can make the part of the body swollen with red marks.

3. Cape Buffalo

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Cape Buffalo is a kind of African wild buffalo. They are a very dangerous species which kill many people in a year. The nature of this buffalo cannot be easily judged by human beings. The weight of these animals is between 500 to 1000 kg.

They have thick horns that can kill any animal in little time. The Cape buffaloes study the behavior of their prey and wait for some time and then attack their prey with full force. They even have a good running speed.

2. Rhinoceros

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Rhinoceros is another species of animals which is very dangerous to humans. They have a horn on their nose. The rhinos are found in many parts of Africa and Asia. They have a weight of about 1000 kg. They have sharp horns that can kill any human beings if they are near the vicinity of the animals.

Rhinos can run at a great speed which makes it impossible for any human or animal to escape. Hunters find it a very tough task to hunt Rhinos due to their speed and aggressive temperament.

1. Lions, Leopards and other Big Cats

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The lion is the king of the jungle and obviously, it is not that easy task to hunt them. They have sharp sight which can judge any person or animal in the nearby areas soon.

They are smart and intelligent in catching their prey. Their speed is the most dangerous thing which can make difficult things for humans to hunt.

The tigers move silently studying the position of their prey and then they attack all of a sudden with a powerful force which can kill animal or man within no time. The sharp jaws and teeth can tear any living being easily.

Hunting is a great activity but the care should be taken as it can cause death or several injuries too.

Top 10 Most Dangerous Game Animals to Hunt

1. Lions, Leopards and other Big Cats
2. Rhinoceros
3. Cape Buffalo
4. Fire Ants
5. Nile Crocodiles
6. Yellow Jacket
7. Rattlesnake
8. Hippopotamus
9. African Elephant
10. Scorpion

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