
Top 10 Animals With Incredible Hearing

Each living being on this earth is given some special characteristics which differ from others. Just like humans have feelings, animals have smelling sense and many other senses. Some animals have great eyesight while some others have good running speed. The animals have a more powerful sense than human beings. Some animals have great senses to catch their prey.

Some of them can make different kinds of voices and they have good power to hear the noises in the environment. Some creatures can sense the presence of humans in the atmosphere. When predators are about to attack some animals, they run sensing them to save their lives. We have listed out Top 10 Animals With Incredible Hearing.

10. Pigeon

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The pigeons are one of the most amazing birds in the world. They have innumerable qualities. Pigeons have been the messengers for many years and they are a symbol of peace and harmony. They are very smart birds and they can learn things faster.

The pigeons have good hearing sense. They can hear even the low-frequency infrasound. They have stronger hearing sense than human beings too. They have the sense to judge the occurrence of natural calamities prior to happening.

9. Elephant

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At number 9, it is an elephant that has great intelligence. They have a sense of touch, smell, and sound and they use certain sounds to communicate. The elephants have good feelings for humans and they develop a strong bonding towards them if proper care is given.

These animals can hear even the low sounds from a long distance. Elephants have helping and kind nature towards other animals and they often help them in needy times.

8. Horse

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Horses are used for traveling purposes from the olden times. They are used in sports and for entertainment. The horse is the symbol of royalty which is ridden by kings, emperors, and members of royal families. They have good eyesight even at night.

The horses have great smelling senses. The hearing capacity of the horse can never be judged. They can hear all the sounds in the environment. They become nervous by hearing the music.

7. Rat

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Rats are one of the most intelligent creatures on earth. They can learn many things quickly. The rats are also used in many scientific experiments. They can hear any kind of sound including ultrasound. They have more powerful hearing than humans.

The rats also possess good smelling sense and they are often used in mines and diagnosing diseases like tuberculosis by smell. They can clearly know the direction from which the sounds arrive.

6. Dogs

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There is no description of how much a dog is useful to humans. The dogs are smart, intelligent, friendly and caring. They have good vision and hearing senses. They have powerful smelling sense due to which they are used in investigations by the police.

They can hear more powerful than what humans can. There are 18 muscles in the ears of the dogs which give them a powerful hearing. The dogs are the best animals a man can ever have. The dogs can come to know the directions from where the sounds occur.

5. Cat

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Cat is another best friend of human beings. It is one of the most intelligent pets the man can have. The cats have good eyesight and can see even at nights. They have good smelling sense. They can communicate by making different kinds of sounds like hissing and purring.

The cats have powerful hearing sense and can hear even the high-pitched sounds. Cats can hear even better than humans and dogs. They can hear the sounds of frequencies between 55 Hz to 79,000 Hz. They can clearly hear the sounds of their prey such as rats.

4. Dolphin

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Dolphins are mammals that are very smart and intelligent. Their ears are adapted to the sounds of the marine atmosphere. They hear the sounds by their throats. They cannot distinguish between the inner and outer sounds. Their ears can clearly hear the sounds from any direction under the water.

They have an organ called melon from which they send high-frequency clicks. The dolphins also have powerful eyesight. They have a stronger vision than humans. They have good taste buds. These animals can behave in several ways and quickly learn many movements.

3. Owl

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Owls are often praised for their good vision. But they also have good hearing senses. They have sharp hearing senses which help while hunting. They have asymmetrical ears that help them to detect the direction for their prey. They can turn the ears in the direction from where the sound arrives.

The sharp beak of the owl is of great help in detecting the sounds. This beak is very useful to hear sounds more clearly and precisely. The powerful hearing sense is the result of the placing of the ears.

2. Bat

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At number 2, it is a bat that has stronger hearing senses than many other creatures. They produce echoes. The brain and nervous system of the bats make clear the image of the surrounding areas. They can catch their prey even in complete darkness.

They use the larynx to make ultrasound. They make sound by their nose and mouth. Bats make noises that range from frequency between 14,000 to more than 100,000 Hz which even the humans cannot hear. They emit a continuous call and echo.

1. Greater Wax Moth

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Greater Wax Moth is a creature that has the most powerful hearing sense. They can generate ultrasonic sound pulses. They possess a tympanic hearing organ that can make higher frequency sounds to reach the ears.

The greater wax moths can clearly distinguish between different types of sounds and pulsing patterns. They use the sounds raging between 30-100 Hz to communicate with other members of their families and to long-range distances.

The powerful hearing capacity helps the animals to catch their food and to protect themselves from the predators. These animals have a stronger sense of hearing which can judge quickly the different kinds of sounds in the environment.

Top 10 Animals With Incredible Hearing

1. Greater Wax Moth
2. Bat
3. Owl
4. Dolphin
5. Cat
6. Dogs
7. Rat
8. Horse
9. Elephant
10. Pigeon

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