
5 Must-Have Beauty Tips for Formal Events


People get stressed out when the invitation for some formal event arrives as they immediately think they will not have enough time to find the right dress and heels and book their beauty appointments on time. On the other hand, when you start planning on time, there is enough time for everything, but there are some tips that can help speed up the entire process, so let’s check them out.

Pick the right dress


When it comes to attending some formal event, it all starts with picking the right dress. Understandably, this is usually the most challenging part, as we spend hours and days searching for that one special dress.

Yes, the goal is to look breathtaking, but one aspect we all often overlook is feeling comfortable. Namely, when we feel comfortable wearing something, we send a much better message with our body posture.

Another thing feeling comfortable has an extreme influence on is confidence, and there is nothing more meaningful than being confident. First impressions are important, and since people form their opinions in the first several seconds of meeting someone, how we look and how we behave in those several seconds can mean the world.

On the other hand, finding dresses has never been easier, or it seems like that, at least. Most people think they can find everything they need online, which should reduce the time spent searching and going from one shop to another, but that’s not the case.

Finding clothes, regardless of whether that’s some T-shirt you will wear at casual events at home or for some business dinner, can be a daunting task. It’s because, when it comes to clothes, it simply needs to fit you perfectly, and this is where it gets tricky. Not every color suits everyone the same, and the same goes for any type of clothing.

Things get even more difficult when searching for a dress for a formal event, which is why trying several types, models, and in several sizes is the only solution. Of course, it helps a lot when you know where to find a dress made out of quality materials, especially when you are searching for plus size formal wear.

Book hair and makeup as soon as possible


Okay, this tip is more for those seeking professional hair and makeup for formal events, but nonetheless, it’s something of vast importance. The first thing to do when you get invited to some formal event is to book your appointment because you want to avoid a situation where you need a professional hair and makeup service but cannot book one because you called at the very last minute.

Another reason why booking hair and makeup is important is because this is probably the last thing you will do before going to an event. This means you will already have a dress for the event, which is of tremendous importance.

The goal is to be in tone, and by knowing the shape and color of the dress, picking the best type and color of makeup gets much easier. This reduces the time you will have to spend for hair and makeup to be done, and you can use that time for other things, like picking what kind of jewelry to wear. By booking your hair and makeup appointment on time, you will cross a huge thing off your to-do list before going to a formal event.

The right accessories can help you shine

We all have some pieces of jewelry that we adore wearing and have a special place in our hearts, but even though wearing a bracelet or a ring that means so much to us is okay, there are other aspects to consider when going to a formal event. It all starts with the type of event and whether the goal is to look classy or if it is a type of event where ‘rules’ are not that strict.

If it is the first one, then picking the black dress and wearing accessories is a good option, but if it’s a bit more casual event, then you can even experiment with the dress color and what jewelry to wear.

The key is to look great, and adding a statement piece like a necklace or earrings can help with that. Of course, you don’t overdo and wear everything you have, which is why going with a small and classy necklace and earrings that fit ideally with that necklace is the best option.

Of course, the hair will have to be up in order for earrings to be noticed, and with your hair up, the necklace will also look much better, and people will notice and compliment it.

Get your nails done


Just like it’s important to book an appointment for hair and makeup service, the same goes for your nails. No, it’s not because people tend to look at other people’s hands and nails, but it’s because the right color of your nails can draw attention to you.

Human psychology is simple, and, in most cases, the red color dominates. It simply draws our attention, and you can use that as an advantage, especially if the goal is to leave a great impression at a formal party. If red is not your color, then go with the one that suits your attire, but just like with jewelry, make sure not to overdo it and pick some extremely bright color that simply doesn’t fit your and your dress style.



The most logical and simple answer is to go with heels. Yes, it’s as simple as that, but when we get into how to match those heels with our outfits, it can be time-consuming.

So, to avoid stressing out because you don’t have the right type of heels, make sure to search for the pair that will fit the dress and your style on time. There is no right and wrong answer here, as it all depends on the dress, but going with extremely high heels will not do you any good.

So, stick to the type of heels you are used to wearing because you don’t want to focus on walking when you arrive, as the goal is to actually enjoy the event. Above all, the more relaxed you feel, the better the impression you will leave, and the more fun you will have.

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