
Top 4 Marketing Trends In East Africa for 2024

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The East African economy is in full swing. This can be seen in all fields, including digitalization. The main driver and initiator of the new changes in Kenya. With 86% of the population actively using the Internet and 56% of those using it via smartphones – Kenya has become a hub for the development of East African countries. This also applies to digital marketing, in which this country is currently ahead of other East African countries. In this article, we will point out some of the current marketing trends in East Africa.

Can The Development Of New Technologies Save Africa?

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The development of the IT sector and technology companies in some African countries could be the reason for freeing the African continent from poverty. In the last decade, thanks to the 4.0 revolution as well as the rapid development of the IT sector and technology companies in some African countries – many believed that technology could be the one that would free this continent from poverty.

On the other hand, there are perceptions that foreign capital needed for the development of technology and IT companies in Africa, is only a supporter of the exploitation of this continent by the West. The truth is probably somewhere in the middle – and we should be working on reaching a compromise that would satisfy both sides. One thing is for sure – the accelerated development of East African countries gives the wind in the back to all those who think that this continent will finally come out of poverty.

Old Investors, New Entrepreneurs

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A 2017 report by the GSMA World Association of Mobile Operators estimated that a third of the population in Africa owns a mobile phone – and that the number of people using digital mobile services is constantly growing. Thanks to the development of new start-up companies, and the development of mobile applications, especially in large urban centers – users are offered various solutions that make their daily lives easier. Today, you can find everything – from online shopping, paying bank bills, to downloading movies and music from the Internet. So many solutions and services, which did not exist here only a decade ago. Today, their ambition is to create a new generation of world leaders in IT and technology and marketing. And what are the marketing trends in East Africa?

Marketing Trends In East Africa

The transformative power of new technologies and its development on the African continent – could be seen as an opportunity for innovation and skills development. This would enable large-scale changes that would help solve the economic and social problems of African nations. It seems that it is the new generation that is trying to reduce the gap that exists between Africa and the rest of the world. It is therefore not surprising – that it is younger people who have started a business in digital entrepreneurship. These are some of the current marketing trends in East African countries.

1. Live Streaming

It is not at all surprising that in East Africa, just like in the rest of the world – the Youtube platform is ranked as the most popular for sharing video content. However, with the increase in the number of users of Instagram, TikTok, and other manufacturers who share but also create new applications – there has been a redistribution of power in this field. Now, it is much more in the hands of consumers. A projection for 2024 says that videos will be consumed even more massively. The result will be far more effective marketing campaigns – especially by those brands that have already invested in digital marketing and audio-visual elements.

2. Remarketing

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When you have a target group, it is very important to keep it. Therefore, remarketing as a marketing awning – is not surprising at all. Namely, making a promotion to customers to whom you have already addressed some of your product or service – is of great importance. Especially when you have an East African market – where one language is spoken, and that is Swahili. According to KL Translations, this language is spoken in more than 4 East African countries, and today it is estimated that it is spoken by more than 100 million people – which you will admit is not an insignificant thing when it comes to the market. Remarketing technology is based primarily on ‘cookies’ – to follow your audience on various internet channels and learn more about their interests. This is a very powerful digital tool involved in ever-increasing marketing strategies.

3. Influencers

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Everywhere, even in East African countries – influential people have great power over the wider population. Although they are never directly involved in purchasing a product – influencers are very influential in sales. Their reputation and often their knowledge and expertise in certain areas make them very important factors in any marketing campaign. Both, in the world and the countries of East Africa. Today, in this region as well, we have more and more companies that are working to hire influencers – bearing in mind that such a decision will help them raise their business sector. What is interesting – is the fact that influencers are being trusted in East Africa.

4. Chatbots

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Whether he was talking about tourism, medical services, banking, or some other sector – chatbots are slowly coming into use to make things easier for employees, but also to communicate with end-users. Many brands have recognized the importance of such communication, presenting their solutions for Messenger, Viber, or other chat platforms – on which the brands themselves are present. The great potential of bots can thus be applied in various industries, whether it is banking, trade, or even medicine.

The real power of artificial intelligence lies in the fact that bots understand the jargon language – and they don’t mind spelling mistakes except when the mistake changes the meaning of a word or phrase. However, you should know that artificial intelligence does not do the recognition of individual words – but the meaning of the whole phrase. That way, new words do not disrupt the work of the service, and if the bot is not able to understand a phrase – with simple training, that problem can be overcome.

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