Plant pruning is one of the crucial activities when you want to keep a garden in good condition. Pruning trees, shrubs, or other plants is necessary for them to grow strong and healthy. Pruning makes it possible to obtain bigger and more beautiful plants, which bear more fruit and of better quality, and free of diseases. But to properly prune it is very important to have the proper tools.
Not all tools are valid for all plants. Each of them requires specific care and also a specific way when pruning. Some shears serve only to cut thin stems while stronger ones are capable of severing thicker branches.
Another factor to take into account when choosing a pruner is the height at which the branch you want to cut is located. And it is not the same if you are trimming bush which is on the ground and to cut several meters high branch.
Reasons for pruning
1. Improving plant health

It is necessary to remove all dead branches, injured, infected, attacked by insects, mechanically damaged and branches that interfere with others in their growth, ones that collide and wither. This has a preventive effect on the plant but also removes infected parts of the plant.
2. Maintaining the shape and purpose of the plant
When we say form, we mean the habitus or appearance of the plant. If the plant is in a tree line, it is necessary to prune it as a tree line seedling. It is more common to cut hair in a hedge. Maintain special forms of the plant such as bonsai, etc. The control of the dimension of the plant itself is most important in cities where space is usually cramped. Sometimes large trees obscure views and important views or disrupt the concept of green space, buildings, etc., then they need to be thinned or, to the most drastic extent, completely removed. Cutting down a tree is a complex and dangerous job, which you should never try to do alone, but always with the help of professionals like
3. Encouraging decorativeness

Encouraging the plant to bloom more abundantly, removing bad parts for improving the decorativeness. Watercress are vertical branches that occur inside the crown of the plant, have a very small role in transpiration, while on the other hand greatly endanger the appearance of the plant’s habitus.
4. Protection of people and property
Attention should be paid to the protection of people and property. It is necessary to remove dead branches and rotten trees. Sometimes they interfere with car and pedestrian traffic, reduce or completely obstruct the visibility of the road. This can be a big danger especially when it comes to busy roads. Cut all potentially dangerous branches, those that form a V shape, and keep the branches that form a close angle to an angle of 60 degrees, which is considered the most desirable angle for a stable branch. It happens that after several years of growth, the canopy of the tree reaches the height of street installations, so it is a threat of tearing them, then it is necessary to shorten a larger number of branches, but be careful to maintain the shape of the habitus.
5. Tools

Scissors are a basic tool. They can be used for pruning roses, ornamental shrubs, fruit trees, vines. There are different types for different purposes. They can be used for pruning thinner or thicker branches. We distinguish ones with one and two blades. Scissors with a single blade are most often used for cutting thinner, green and twigs that have not yet completely become woody.
There are also models with different shapes of the cutting body: bypass, anvil, ratchet and others.
1. Bypass

It is the most popular. They have a concave and convex blade, i.e. crescent-shaped blades. One blade catches a branch while the other cuts it. The concave blade is always lower, and the convex blade is upper. Pruning in this way gives a clean and straight cut. They should be adjusted and well sharpened so that they can cut a sheet of paper. They work on the principle of shear, classic ones. They are usually used for taking care of roses, vines, as well as twigs that are not completely woody. Do not use them to cut branches above the specified thickness as you will damage them.
2. Anvil

Works on the principle of a knife. They require less effort when cutting compared to bypass scissors. They are used for dry, deadwood and for pruning hardwood. If they are used for green, live and soft wood, the wood is often crushed.
3. Ratchet

Makes a cut in several stages, so less force is used. They are easier to use, but the cutter needs to get used to them.
4. Kuker

It is another model very popular among fruit growers. These have two blades. Good scissors of this type make a completely straight cut but are heavier than other ones. These scissors are often used in nursery gardens.
5. Loopers

They are scissors with extended handles and both hands should be used. Due to the elongated stalks, they are used for cutting branches that are high on the tree or inside the canopy, that is, in hard-to-reach places. They are great for pruning vines, small trees and shrubs. Long handles allow pruning without the use of high power.
They can also have a rotating handle. The advantage of such a model is that when pruning, ones with a rotating handle adapt to hand movements and thus reduce the appearance of blisters on the hand.
Sharpen tools regularly and prevent crushing of branches

When buying tools, you need to know what you need them for, because they are not all the same. To maintain the orchard, it is important to choose scissors specifically designed for fruit growing. Scissors for roses and viticulture are not suitable for pruning fruit trees. For amateurs, it is best to consult with well-known, experienced fruit growers – cutters when buying and choosing scissors. Make sure that the selected scissors work well, that they fit the size and shape of your hand. If you are left-handed, choose scissors with a central grip to avoid straining your wrists.
In most cases, it is enough to have some of these scissors in order to successfully take care of their trees. Depending on the pruning requirements and the suitability of the scissors, professionals will opt for scissors that achieve the best results, ie those that do not tire the hand and do not create blisters.
In order for scissors, saws and any other selected tool to serve you for a long time, it is necessary to store them, not throw them away, keep them clean and dry. It should be sharpened regularly. Only a sharp tool can make a straight cut without crushing trees and creating large wounds.