
Top 10 Mysteries In The World That Prove Alien Exists

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The world is full of different assumptions and theories. There are many beliefs and superstitions in the world which many people believe to be true. Some of the unusual things are present in the world which will make you believe that miracles can happen. Science also says that are some mysteries in the world that are real and actual. Aliens have always been the favorite subject of researchers and scientists. They do various research works to find whether the aliens really exist.

There are many planets in our galaxy but life exists on earth. However, there is certain evidence that tells that there are aliens in the real-world also. Let us have a look at some of the great mysteries proving the existence of aliens. We have listed Top 10 Mysteries in the World That Prove Alien Exists.

10. Flying Saucers

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There are certain incidents where air pilots have noticed the “delta-shaped” object flying in the sky. It is an incident of London where one airplane pilot noticed a rugby-ball shaped UFO near his plane. This happened near Heathrow airport. The aircraft was A320 Airbus.

A similar incident was noted at Manchester airport. There are many incidents which claim that there were many unusual flying objects near the airlines which prove that there are aliens in the world.

9. Cattle Mutilation

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This is one unusual incident that proves the existence of aliens. It is the killing of different animals like horses, sheep, rabbits, cows, and others.  After killing, the various parts of the bodies of animals are removed like eyeball, tongue and lymph nodes.

Many US researchers have investigated in the cases of cattle mutilation. Cattle mutilation is the subject of US researchers for many years. There is mutilation done in some insects too.

8. Machu Picchu

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Machu Picchu is a hilly region in Peru where the Inca Empire ruled. The city was built in the 12th century. It was later found invaded by Spanish. The city has been got any construction work. The route to this city is very hard as it is very high. It is often known as a hidden city.

The landscapes of this city are so artistic and well managed that it is impossible for any humans to create this city. It is the work of some aliens. Machu Picchu is considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

7. Egyptians Hieroglyphs

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The existence of aliens has been found before 3000-4000 years ago in Egypt. The Egyptians use hieroglyphs in earlier days. There were many images in hieroglyph. From the studies, it is found out that there were people who used to communicate with aliens in the ancient days.

There are many stories in Egypt of descendants from the sky and some unusual stories. It is believed that aliens have come once in Egypt in ancient times from the studies.

6. Meteorites

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Many famous scientists such as Robert Hoover and Richard Hoover have made a research on the subject of meteorites.  Some fossils of unusual human forms were found in meteorites which had come some years before on Earth.

These meteorites were then observed in the laboratory where it was found that fossils were not of human beings. These remains of fossils lacked nitrogen which means they belong to some extraterrestrial life forms when there was liquid water.

5. NASA’s Cover-Ups

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Dr.Edgar Mitchell was a member of the Apollo 14 space mission in the year 1971. He shared his experiences on the moon. The space agency workers had defined the appearance of the aliens. They are short in height with an unusual and weird look. They are technologically advanced than human beings.

When certain different objects are seen in the sky, the live telecast of the space station is cut. From all these studies, it was concluded that there are aliens and their crafts. In the year 1947, Roswell met with an alien and it was a real incident that was not disclosed in the public.

4. Easter Island Heads

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Easter Islands are situated in the southeastern part of the Pacific Ocean. It has 887 monumental statues of faces. This site is named as World Heritage Site by UNESCO. It is believed that between the 11th and 16th centuries, aliens were present on these islands that created these statues.

These statues were a symbol of fun and recreation for them. It is still not found out exactly but many studies suggest that aliens came here in ancient times.

3. Wow Signal

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Jerry Ehman is the person who took some data with the help of a telescope from the sky before some years. There was a code by the name “6EQUJ5” which was translated in a computer and then out on a paper for more examination.  He also marked the code in red pen.

After these examinations, Ohio University made research work on this code and they found out that it was actually a signal which came from miles away without any technology. The scientists were quite shocked by such a signal and they stated that they are from aliens.

2. Crop Circles

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These are one of the most unusual ones found which tell that aliens do exist. There are some areas in the United Kingdom like wheat farms that have weird circular dotted designs in the United Kingdom from the last many years.

From much research work, it was found that these are messages given by aliens. These circular dotted designs occur often in these fields. However, there are no concrete proofs for this belief but it is estimated as such.

1. Mysterious Encounters

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There are some different and weird cases in which you can say aliens exist. Robert Taylor, a forester went into a forest once with his dog. This is the case that happened in the year 1979. He went in the woods to check his plants when he saw a big spacecraft in the woods.

There were gases that were emitting out from the spacecraft.  The police investigated the matter and found some footprints on the ground.

Just like Earth, there is life in some planets too and we can now say that aliens do exist after reading about real-life incidents.

Top 10 Mysteries in the World That Prove Alien Exists

1. Mysterious Encounters
2. Crop Circles
3. Wow Signal
4. Easter Island Heads
5. NASA’s Cover-Ups
6. Meteorites
7. Egyptians Hieroglyphs
8. Machu Picchu
9. Cattle Mutilation
10. Flying Saucers

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