Lost cities are touted as extinct places on earth, do hold some mysterious tales behind its extinction. The urge to know more about them the scientific research about the places in and out for many years. Based on their research they try to prove their hypothesis but only the remnants in the form of tombs, stones, or the land know the real truth.
Let us see which are the famous lost cities excavated by archaeologists and the mainstay of them getting lost. Though there are many lost cities that were discovered we have managed to list out Top 10 Lost Cities In The World.
10. Skara Brae

Skara Brae was once situated in Scotland. This is a Neolithic settlement which is the largest island in the Orkney. It has a total of 8 clustered houses. It is also included in the list of World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The people who stayed in this region before many years used to make grooved ware which is a kind of pottery. The houses had earth shelters.
There are carved stones balls found in this region and many articles from here are found in museums of Scotland in the present date. The runic writings have been founded here. The articles excavated are shovels, small bowls, ivory pins, beads, adzes and various other articles from that Era which are worth to watch even now.
9. Troy

It was another city that was thought of as mystical as Atlantis. It was described in the Iliad of Homer. Troy was situated in the northwestern part of Turkey. Another place called Ilium was discovered here during the reign of Roman Emperor Augustus. Troia archaeological site is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the world.
There are many small villages near Troy which are worth to watch as they reveal the ancient history. There are several Hittite texts found here. Troy is the place where the Trojan War occurred before many years. There are inscriptions at Deir el-Medina which show the victory of Ramasses III in the war.
8. Cliff Palace

The next on the list is the largest cliff of North America, Cliff Palace. It is situated in Mesa Verde National Park and it is constructed by Ancestral Puebloans. It was destroyed somewhere in the 13th century and then again reconstructed. It was first made from sandstone and mortar. It contains 23 kivas and 150 rooms.
7. Tikal, Guatemala

Tikal is the ruined structure of a city that is situated in the rainforest in Guatemala. It is an archaeological site of the pre-Columbian Maya civilization. Tikal is also included in the list of World Heritage Site by UNESCO. There are many causeways of limestone and also many temples which are worth to see. There are several tombs.
6. Petra

Petra was certainly abandoned by its inhabitants during an earthquake which destroyed its water system until then it flourished in the desert. With the advancement and rearrangement of the water system in neighboring cities, it was a preferred choice to leave the city rather than to rebuild. Since then it attracts only the travelers and archaeologists on an excursion.
5. Mohenjo-Daro

Situated on the Indus Valley known for its overlapping construction in the same place after being disappeared is quite popular in history. Indus Valley civilization is one of the oldest civilizations. It is believed the science, art, trade, writing, agriculture was in advanced form and it is exemplified in the Mohenjo-daro city with ordered streets and proper drainage systems. Flooding caused the city to disappear and build again in total 6 times. Later it was rediscovered in 1922.
4. Pompeii

The city situated in Rome was destroyed in AD 79 due to volcanic eruption. The entire population was buried under 60 feet of ash. It had around 20000 inhabitants at that time and the city was a secluded spot for vacation for the upper society of Romans. After its loss, the ruins stood for 1700 years before being discovered again.
It was accidentally rediscovered by some workmen while working on the palace for King of Naples. Since then the archeologists are studying the specimens revealing some of the other interesting facts about the long lost city and the ancient Roman culture.
3. Karakoram

The city located in Mongolia is the city of Genghis Kha. There are not many ruins left to research on it. The stones and rocks are used to build a huge monastery next to it. It acts as a museum, with plethora of artifacts left in situ while many carved stones till remain in the neighborhood.
2. Atlantis

It is still in debate whether this city exists in reality. Its mention is portrayed in Plato’s analogy since 360B.C. The city has been described in a vivid form in his fictional work that most historians and scientists have been on expeditions in search of the lost city. The most infamous expeditions by Nazis prior to WWII in search of the Atlantan culture.
It is believed that the city got submerged into the Atlantic Ocean. There are many hypotheses about the whereabouts of the lost city. Some say it is an island from the Mediterranean, an island in northern Europe or even in Antarctica.
1. Machu Picchu

This isolated city Machu Picchu is the most mysterious one found near Urubamba valley in Peru. It was discovered by historian Hiram Bingham in 1911 until then no one knew its existence. The city has distinguished structures bordered by stone walls. It is said that Incas have built the city and was abandoned in 100 years.
The main reason is not known but still, some people believe it was due to a small population the entire community was wiped out. It is also believed that the city had some holy temple remnants while some studies prove it was used as a prison, while some believe it was a personal estate of Inca emperor Pachacuti.
Here, are the top 10 lost cities where the mentioned text here is not efficient to justify their long lost tales and to revive the actual cause of its abandonment.
Top 10 Lost Cities In The World
1. Machu Picchu
2. Atlantis
3. Karakoram
4. Pompeii
5. Mohenjo-Daro
6. Petra
7. Tikal, Guatemala
8. Cliff Palace
9. Troy
10. Skara Brae