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7 Signs Of Age Discrimination In The Workplace & How To Deal With It


Finding a job position that suits you should be easier in the modern day and age where there are numerous different career paths to choose from. Back in the day there was a limited amount of things people could do, especially if they lacked education.

As educational institutions became widely available for more and more people, and as technology progressed ever further, new and exciting jobs started appearing. All of this has resulted in numerous markets and industries you can now be a part of.

Still, actually securing a job position is rather difficult in the world for various reasons. That is a story for another time however as in this article we talk about something entirely different and yet more important.

When a candidate finally secures a position after the long and tedious job hunting process as well as the subsequent interviews and evaluations, they could experience a very unpleasant welcome. Have you ever heard of age discrimination in the workplace, and if so, do you know what it is?

Dealing with it is not easy, nor is it that clear what exactly it implies. In the following sections we talk about the signs of age discrimination in the workplace you should be looking for. In addition, we reveal to you how best to deal with it.

If you suspect that something like this has been happening to you, read on to learn more about it so that you can react. If you ever fall victim to age discrimination in the workplace and need professional help of this sort, make sure to check out Bibiyan Law Group.

What Age Discrimination in the Workplace Looks Like


Without any further ado, we are now going to mention the examples of age discrimination in the workplace or rather what it looks like. Oftentimes, people are not even aware of it as it can be hidden in plain sight.

However, it can be as clear as day, at which case you should react immediately. Consult the following list to get familiar with the most common signs of discrimination against employees based on their age.

1. Your Employer Often Makes Remarks About Your Age


If your employer or any superior for that matter seems to constantly make comments about your age, it can be a sign of discrimination. Taking shots and mocking you in any way that directly or indirectly points to how old are you is an act of discrimination and is considered harassment.

They may be doing it with the intention of making you dissatisfied with the workplace and eventually quitting. This is a tactic that many workplaces employ unfortunately. Based on age alone, nobody can fire you, so they resort to these “alternative” methods.

2. The Company Only Hires Young

If you have noticed that the place where you work only hires young people fresh of their degrees on mid-level positions, it could be one of the signs. Workers between 25 and 30 years of age should only be hired for entry-level sports, meaning they may be discriminating against older employees.

This is done when the culture of the workplace is shifting and when the higher-ups want to lure in younger generations and avoid rewarding people who have been with them for decades.

3. Younger Colleagues Are Promoted


If the place where you work awards much younger employees over those who have been there for years, it could be a clear sign of favoritism towards younger workers. Of course, this is another sign of discriminating against the older workers regardless of how old they are. If your hard-earned promotion goes to someone else who has been there for incomparably fewer number of years, you have every right to call for legal action.

4. Leaving Older Staff Off Meetings and Other Activities

In an attempt to isolate the older employees and make them feel less wanted or completely unwanted, some workplaces will exclude them from meetings and other staff activities. The excuses can range from allowing the older workers more time off, lightening their load, and even believing it is not for them due to their age.

Everyone should be equally involved in projects just like before, so react if you suspect that there is a different treatment in the workplace.

5. Retirement Encouraging


Employees who are nearing their retirement should be allowed to do so in their own time. They should not be rushed into retirement unless they feel like it. In case your superiors and especially new and young colleagues are pressuring or encouraging you to retire, or even hinting at your retirement with questions and suggestions, it is an example of discrimination.

The same goes even if you are presented with a considerable retirement package as an incentive to leave earlier than you should or want.

6. Layoffs of Everyone at a Certain Age

Lastly, the most obvious sign that something is off when it comes to age favoritism is laying off people once they go over a certain age threshold. In some cases, the age limit is as low as 40, which is nowhere near the average retirement age.

There is nothing wrong with wanting younger employees, but firing people because they are now older than a certain age is outright discriminating and it calls for legal action.

7. Know Your Rights and Keep Records


The most effective strategies to deal with this problem are simple. First off, you should get familiar with your rights and learn what and who protects you from harassment concerning your age. It should not be hard to get informed on this as it is a part of every job contract and employee rights list.

Also, if you ever suspect that discrimination is taking place against you, start keeping records of who is doing it and in what way. The best types of records include emails and written descriptions of meetings, interactions, and exchanges. When the time comes, this could be all the proof you need to prove the age discrimination against you really took place.

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